Online Irish Test

Take Gaelchultúr's online test to determine your competency in the Irish language

Online Irish Test
Total of 100 questions in the test. Questions are generated randomly, the test will be different every time you do it.
10/20 min on average to complete. If you want to stop doing the test, click on the Results of the test button.
Choose the correct answer. 😀 Test is graded, questions become more difficult as you progress.
You’ll be given your score immediately by email. You’ll see the correct and incorrect answers, and you can check the correct answers.

It’s important that you answer all of the questions in this test to ensure that the score you get is reliable.


It’s best to stop answering the questions and to click on the Results of the test button if you feel that you’ve reached the stage in the test when you’re guessing the answers.

Do you already have an account?

If you already have a user account on, please log in first at the top of this screen. If you do so, you’ll be able to save your score every time you take this test.


We’ll send you your results via email and you’ll have an opportunity, if you like, to discuss them with one of Gaelchultúr’s education staff.

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