Intensive Course in Written Irish

Intensive Course in Written Irish
From 14 September 2024
4 Sessions


Do you have a strong command of the language, but still get confused when it comes to grammar and written Irish? If so, then our Intensive Course in Written Irish is just the course for you! This intensive course focuses primarily on grammar, style and translation. There is also an emphasis on the technological resources available in Irish.

Here are the dates for the next course:

Saturday, 14 September 2024

Saturday, 12 October 2024

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Saturday, 7 December 2024

Final Exam (Optional): Saturday 14 December 2024

Who is this course for?

This course consists of independent study and live online classes. Continuous assessment is an integral part of the course. Students benefit from comprehensive, constructive feedback on all work submitted. This feedback is essential to ensure students acquire accuracy in their written Irish.

Participants will be given access to a supporting e-learning course on, where they will have an opportunity to undertake interactive lessons and receive instant feedback. Students can review and reinforce what they have learned in their online classes through videos available on the site.

This is a part-time programme delivered by expert tutors. It is suitable for anyone who scores a minimum of 80% in Gaelchultúr’s online assessment.

Register today to enhance your accuracy in Irish with a third level college!

Book the course

4 Sessions

Intensive Course in Written Irish

Levels Day Time Start Date

Our teaching approach

Gaelchultúr has developed comprehensive syllabuses and every class at every level follows these syllabuses.

The communicative approach to language teaching is used by Gaelchultúr’s teachers, giving learners the opportunity to play an active part in each class.

A strong emphasis is placed on group and pair work and learners therefore have a chance to practise what they’ve been taught. The main focus is on speaking and listening in all classes (with the exception of Cruinneas sa Ghaeilge), but reading and writing activities also feature.

Learn more about us


This course is aimed at those with advanced language skills but who wish to achieve accuracy in written Irish. It is suitable for people who work through the medium of Irish on a daily basis - teachers, journalists, civil servants and translators, for example - who want to improve their writing skills. It is also suitable for those who are interested in applying for a postgraduate course in Irish but who want to advance their grammar and accuracy before applying.
This course is suitable for those who achieve a score of at least 80% in Gaelchultúr’s Online Irish Test.
The course will focus on grammatical accuracy, writing style and translation skills. There will also be an emphasis on the technological resources available in Irish, including those that are online.
This is a four-month, part-time course. Classes will take place one Saturday each month, 10.00am-4.00pm.

Terms and Conditions

  • Course fees may be refunded in full to a learner up to five working days prior to the commencement of the course. The refund must by requested by contacting Gaelchultúr’s staff by email or by phone. (Our contact details can be found here.)
  • If, following the first class, the student decides that he/she would like to discontinue the course, 60% of the total fee will be refunded to him/her. Thereafter, no refund will be made to the student.
  • Gaelchultúr Teoranta has the right to cancel a class or to amalgamate classes.
  • If it is necessary to cancel a class, every effort will be made to place the participants in another class or to register them for an online course. A full refund will be made to the customer if these options do not suit him/her.
  • A student may defer his/her registration only once. If he/she wishes to defer registration, he/she must notify Gaelchultúr’s staff of this by week three of the course. No refund will be made to the student if he/she does not accept a place on the next course he/she is due to attend.
  • Gaelchultúr will accept no responsibility in the event that a student registers at the wrong level. We advise our students to do our online Irish test or to seek our advice to ensure that they are undertaking the correct level.
  • If a student wants to move to another level, we cannot guarantee that a space will be available for him/her at that level. Should a space be available, Gaelchultúr will charge a €10 administration fee for making the change. A change may only be made to another level following the first class.
  • Course fees must be paid in full prior to commencement of the course. Attendance on a course is subject to full payment of fees.
  • Every student must abide by our code of behaviour when attending a course with us.
  • People under 18 years of age are not permitted to attend courses other than those specified as being suitable for those under 18 years of age. Our Child Protection Statement can be found here.