
Benefits of bilingualism

Benefits of bilingualism

The ‘bilingual’ is more common today than a person who can speak only one language. Interest in learning Irish has surged in recent years and Gaelchultúr has witnessed a growing demand for its Irish language courses. There are so many incredible benefits of learning a second language, in particular Irish.

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Eight Tips for Preparing for the Leaving Certificate Irish Oral Exam
Online Courses

Eight Tips for Preparing for the Leaving Certificate Irish Oral Exam

Oral exam season is approaching quickly and there is no denying that the formal setting of the oral exams can be stress-inducing for parents and students alike. Struggling to prepare? This post is full of practical steps you can take to excel in your oral. Preparing for your Irish oral exam doesn't have to be a nightmare, there are lots of little steps you can take to achieve the marks you desire.

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